March 5
We started early @ about 4:30am on the thrird day of our trip. Went to the receptionist to collect our complimentary breakfast box (have arranged it the night before). Our "Tuk Tuk" driver, Mr Supjie was already waiting for us. It was cooling and the air is so clear. We sat quietly till we reached the ticketing counter to purchase our tickets ($20 for one day visit, $40 for 3 days visit and $60 for 6 days visit).
First stop was, Srah Srang to view sunrise. The place was still pitched black when we arrived. Luckily I have my torchlight with me (hehehe). We sat by the stone steps and waited patiently. Slowly we saw changes in the sky. It was my first time viewing a sunrise and I am quite excited about it and having BS around made it more special. Most of the sunrise pictures was taken by BS with his Sony 380 DLSR. I only took two sunrise pictures with my digital camera (the images were not that nice).
We spent about 45 minutes there before heading to Ta Prom, our second destination. The place where the famous Tomb Raider tree is and where Angelina Jolie picked a jasmine flower before falling through the earth. The place is definitely worth visiting for all. The scene of the ruins being swallowed up the jungle are just amazing.
After enjoying the atmospheric ruin we then head down to Bayon. On the way, we pass by three ruins. Two of them situated directly opposite each other. We ask the driver to stop and down we went to explore!!!

Ta Keo

Chau Say Tevoda

After spending around 15 minutes on the small ruins we then get back on the road heading towards Bayon. On our way in, we stop by to visit Terrace of the Leper King, Terrace of Elephants ~ what a view standing at the top and Phimenakas ~ the royal palace. Baphuon was under restoration process so we couldn't get in to get a closer look.
From far Bayon doesn't look impressive at all but that changes when we got nearer. The structure was amazing. Such details put in to building it.
After Bayon we had lunch at a nearby stall before heading to Angkor Wat. I was so surprised that Angkor Wat is so big, it's like a fortress with big river circling it. Below is the only picture I could take before my camera ran out of battery ~ sob sob. Luckily BS's camera still have a few more hours before failing.
After exploring Angkor Wat we were too exhausted and tired to visit our last stop, Phnom Bakheng for sunset. We got on our "Tuk Tuk" and ask the driver please send us back to the resort. Sunset will have to wait ~